Blogger tells me my last blog post was February 6th. Considering the month of March is almost over, I guess I should post at least once this month, huh?
My running the past two weeks has gotten slightly more consistent. I've done speed work and have been doing "long runs" in preparation for the Brooklyn Half. I've been feeling a bit more confident and comfortable. However, up until a few days ago, my marathon plans were still up in the air.
I rarely read Runners World, but I happened to log on the other day and read the most recent article by Kristin Armstrong, which can be found here:
I tweeted it, and saw lots of people connected with it. The article opens up with a simple statement,
I think it made a lot of people stop and think. Of all the times we put things off, all the times we waited to enter a race until we got "better." I know I've done it a lot, especially over the past few months. I know it will take a lot of work on my part, but I think I've finally come to my 2013 marathon decision. (More on that in a few days...)
I'm waiting with baited breath to hear about the marathon decision... good luck with the Brooklyn Half! Sounds like a really great race.